With Matti Reißig & Ürün Sarigül.
Herr STUMPF (oder die Anderen Bäume haben aber auch immer die längeren Äste)
Hu, some backstory on this one. Started somewhere around 2011, never finished it, but couldn't let it rest. Finally finished it in Corona Lockdown.
One year later it made it to a nice film Festival next to the Adria (and took me along :)).
HD | color | 22 sec | 2014
My first review: Once in a while something pops up which is, well… kinda weird. This is 20 seconds of pure unadulterated CGI homo-erotic anim-porn (that should pick up some SEO traffic). Think Women In Love meets Toy Story compressed into an inch-thick sandwich. That’s not it,I just wanted you to picture it. Thanks.
HD | color | 60 sec| 2016 | lang: GER
Die Akte, die niemals geschlossen wird. Die andere Seite des Schreibtisches. Der Sachbearbeiter from Hell- Ja wir sind die Army of Bollo, und unsere Zahl ist groß! Animation mit Lightwave& After Effects, Sound Felix Knoke und Andreas Krach.
SD | color | 3 min | 2008 | lang: GER
"Nun erschrick dich mal nicht." My first real animated short. For reasons unknown around 300.00 views on Youtube (and a lot of harsh comments).
HD | color | 48 sec | 2014
Random Ghibliness. Susan Soothing.
A day on the beach.
Processed footage of a flood covering the "Fischmarkt" in Hamburg, Germany.
HD | color | 17 sec | 2012
The end of pogonophobia.
HD | color | 24 sec | 2013
Animated 3D stock-models (Dosch-Design) with some glitches on top. Heymen. Sound by cylixe (.net)
HD | color | 11:40 min | 2014 | lang: E
Yesterday, i met a german-nationalist. While talking, he made two iconic gestures. I decided to practice for a while.
HD | color | 13:40 min | 2014 | lang: GER
Eine neuerbaute Brücke verändert die emotionale Landschaft des kleinen Städtchens Weinheim. In einer lauen Weinachtsnacht begegnen mir Spuren dieser Entwicklung.
HD | color | 02:51 min | 2012
It was like an quite, sunny afternoon in your Swiss chalet when Holm and me were trying out our new build DIY-Steadycam in a healthy shopping-area. Not as steady as thought because an iron piece was too thin and vibrating, but (unintentionally) we filmed roughly 40 Seconds of pure real-life Opera...
HD | color | 1:49 min | 2010
Meine liebe, kaputte Kamera filmt inzwischen in 4-Sekunden Fragmenten. Macht aber nichts. Abbrucharbeiten an der Kita Weidenallee, Hamburg-Eimsbüttel. Aufnahme vom 08.03.2010.